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F-Secure ShareSafe Protect You From Dangerous Links on Facebook

F-Secure ShareSafe is a new Facebook application designed to protect you from malicious links and spam that may appear in your news feed and wall post. You can choose any links – top links, news feed and my wall – for scanning for dangerous content before sharing it with friend or visiting the link.

With F-Secure ShareSafe: 

1. You can stay safe from spam and malicious posts on your wall and news feed.

2. Be a responsible member of your friends' network. Scan links with ShareSafe before you post them to your wall to make sure they are safe to visit.

3. Discover new, interesting links from the ShareSafe community. The most popular links rise to the top.

4. Get rewarded for using ShareSafe. Earn points, badges and redeem them for rewards.

Visit here for details about ShareSafe Facebook App.