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Disable or Enable Windows 8 Metro UI

Microsoft Windows 8 has a new, intuitive Start screen called Metro UI. However, some users still likethe old start menu of Windows. Previously we had published an article on enabling Windows 7 like start menu in Windows 8 developer preview, here is a new tool called Win Eight Metro UI Switcher that lets you switch between Metro UI and the Windows 7 styled Start menu in Windows 8 just with a click.

Win Eight Metro UI Switcher is a standalone application (no dependence on .NET framework) that brings Windows 7 like start menu to Windows 8. It can also give back the classic Task Manager to Windows 8 that can show CPU utilization history per processor or core.

To use this tool, download and install it. Click ‘Disable Metro UI’ to disable Windows 8 start screen, and click ‘Enable Metro UI’ to bring back Windows 8 start screen. For the changes made to take effect, you have to restart or log off your system after tweaking.

Note: when the Metro UI is disabled, Windows Explorer has the revamped Ribbon interface turned off.

Win Eight Metro UI Switcher can be downloaded free at software developer website.