Paul Tobis is an expert who specialize at helping people get the best free laptop with broadband ISPs
Having a laptop computer was one of the best decisions I made in my life and as a result I have been able to increase my efficiency significantly. I have also been able to learn a few tricks to make my laptop usage experience great. Below are some tips to make your laptop more efficient and to enhance your laptop usage.
Beware of Dust
The first step you have to take towards ensuring your laptop is secure and effective is to protect it from dust. Dust can be very dangerous to your laptop in that it can block the ventilation areas of your laptop and lead to overheating. Computers also aren’t in any way friend to dust so you should do your best to protect your laptop from exposure to dust.
Heat Can be Dangerous to the Health of Your Laptop – Avoid it at All Cost
Another thing you need to beware of when trying to get the best from your laptop is heat. Your laptop will be able to work faster and effectively if it is in a cool dry area but the opposite will be the case if it is exposed to heat.
It is important to ensure you only use your laptop in a cool dry area to prevent it from experiencing any problems.
Be Careful With External Devices Used With Your Laptop
It is also very important for you to beware of which external device you use on your laptop. Make sure you don’t use flash disks or external hard disks from people you don’t trust. It is also very important that you’re careful with who you allow access to your computer and what devices they can use with your computer.
Install an Antivirus and Firewall Software
Millions of laptop computers are infected by a virus every year and that is due to the fact that a lot of people are either using substandard antivirus or no antivirus at all. By installing the right antivirus on your computer you will be able to eliminate the chances of your computer being infected by a virus and thus be able to ensure your computer lasts longer.
It is also very important that you install a firewall so that you will be able to be in control of who is able to access your computer. The major function of a firewall is to tell you whenever an external computer or network is trying to access your laptop and then give you options to either allow or block it.
Charge Your Laptop in a Proper and Effective Manner
Do you know that charging your laptop every minute as soon as it is discharged can be dangerous? Do you know that leaving your laptop plugged in even when its battery is full can eventually lead to overheating?
Another tip to help you effectively maintain your laptop computer is by charging it properly. Make sure you don’t just charge your laptop for the fun of it and also ensure you don’t leave it plugged in when the battery is full.
Backup Your Files Regularly
The reality of life is that no matter what measures you take to protect your laptop computer nothing is eternally certain. That is why it is very important for you to be backing up your files regularly. That way you will not be at complete loss should anything happen to your laptop.